Real Estate Titans Podcast: The Podcast that Showcases High Performing Real Estate Agents for the Benefit of Others

WARNING - CalHfa Dream for All

The CalHfa Dream for All program is pretty awesome and is scheduled to roll out on March 27.

We're all looking forward to having this exciting loan program made available to our California First Time Home Buyers as it's a great deal.

However, we have heard rumors that some believe they can submit a contracted buyer to CalHfa on an existing program and then switch it when the Dream for All program goes live.

On a call we had with CalHfa, they warned us saying this would be a mistake and that if you were to break a locked CalHfa program, you'd have to wait 60 days before you could re-lock on another program.

Maybe we misunderstood what's going on, but, bottom line is, if you've submitted already to CalHfa hoping to make a "switch" you should call them and make sure you're okay.

Hope that helps and if you want more info on the program give me a call at 707-392-3777.

Have a great day!